Today is Libby's birthday. She was born on Monday, December 8, 2003. We will not be celebrating with candles and a cake, balloons or toys. Kinda of sad.....but I don't think we will even make it to the cemetery this year. We had a wicked rain storm yesterday, and everyone has school and work and the cemetery closed at not much of an option. I was able to keep the crying to a respectable minimum at church on Sunday. I think this year may just slide under the radar.
However, in memory of our little angel, I have my Christmas Angels on display and on the tree with "Libby's ornament".
I can't read it out loud without gasping with tears. I also have 3 or 4 beautiful blooms I will cut off my Libby Rose bush today.
I am working today, spending the day with little Kinders. Time with them, Big Daddy and the other kiddos will fill my heart.
Happy Birthday Libby Rose.