Monday, December 8, 2008

Happy Birthday Libby!

Digging the grass up.
Trimming the stems.

Pictures taken December 26, 2008

Today is Libby's birthday. She would be 5 years old. It is difficult to believe so much time has passed. Each year gets a little easier. There is usually a Fast Sunday a day or two before her birthday. That's a hard day too.

Usually we go to the cemetery and bring flowers. I don't like to spend much time there. She's not there. She is in our hearts. But it's nice to remember the day she was born. That was a wonderful day. A miracle. She looked beautiful, all 3 pounds, 8 ounces.
We are very blessed.

We've been asked about the quote on her gravemarker.  It comes from a quote from Joseph Smith, Jr.

"The Lord takes many away, even in infancy, that they may escape the envy of man, and the sorrows and evils of this present world; they were too pure, too lovely, to live on earth; therefore, if rightly considered, instead of mourning we have reason to rejoice as they are delivered from evil, and we shall soon have them again...

"...The only difference between the old and young dying is, one lives longer in heaven and eternal light and glory than the other, and is freed a little sooner from this miserable, wicked world. Notwithstanding all this glory, we for a moment lose sight of it, and mourn the loss, but we do not mourn as those without hope."

Many of you know that I wrote a book about our experience.  If you have tissue and would like to read the pdf, go to:


  1. Danell, beautiful post. I remember reading your wonderful book about Libby and Stan's sweet poem. Thinking of you and your family.

  2. Beautiful post. Thanks for sharing such a tender, special, and sacred piece of you with us. xoxo

  3. What a sweet tribute in memory of your precious Libby. Hugs!!
