Another great day in paradise.
Big Daddy went golfing with Momsie and Popsicle's besties, Fishing Guy and their son-in-law. BD did ok. Poor Pop couldn't go because he hurt his back on Tuesday working out at the gym.
Silly Popsicle!
I didn't get down to the pool until after 9 am. It's soo hard to get out of bed when there are 3 different episodes of Law and Order on at the same time. However, I finally did and hung out at the pool with Momsie and Popsicle getting my tan on.
Da Boss cooking Hot links and Polish Sausage.
After lunch, the Boss and Big Daddy played some more bocci ball. Lulu and I walked to the shops at the Hyatt while the Bocci Boys where kicking butt. Very pricey stuff! I window shopped and Lulu purchase some reasonably priced earrings.
After some practice, the Bocci Boys were in a tournament. Some other guess' wanted to take those bad boys on. Ha! They losed! (That's my native Hawaiian Pidgin lingo). In fact, The Boss and Big Daddy won the Marriot Maui Bocci Ball Tournament of 2009.
The Cutest Couple at the Pool!
For dinner, we ate at Bubba Gumps. I have been jonesing for coconut fried shrimp and my wish came true, with onion rings. Woowzers! Those were good.
After dinner we shopped, cuz that's about all there is to do. We bought some t shirts at a surf shop, then went next door to a new Barnes & Noble. After sifting through a couple of magazines, I came across a little blue book. It's called
Da Jesus Book
No kidding. The New Testament in Hawaiian Pidgin. Here is a sample page:
I could not make this up. Fo see yor sef, go to:
I was crying, and about peed my pants. Oh, good times!
My mom has that Da Jesus Book in her library at her house!!! I know first hand your not making it up!!! your too FUNNY!